At Yew Tree Farm School we have a daily PE lesson as it is such an important part of our school curriculum.
The aims of our PE sessions are as follows:
Improve Physical Fitness - Physical Education is one of the most powerful ways to assist with present and future health issues for our pupils - both mentally and physically. Ensuring all children are physically fit from a young age can help prevent future health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, asthma and high blood pressure - so it is important to embed it in part of our daily routine.
Teach Self Discipline - As well as a way to ensure students are kept physically fit, our PE aims to teach many lessons which can be converted into real life scenarios when growing up. Self-discipline is an important skill to have and something that some of our students struggle with. Our PE curriculum is designed to help teach this.
Help concentration - Our PE lessons are in the middle of each day so that they can assist with concentration and cognitive function. By using gross motor skills and doing physical exercise our students are more likely to maintain focus in lessons.
Improve teamwork and leadership skills - An integral part of our PE curriculum is the teaching of team work and leadership skills. Team captains are allocated for some sports and the students are required to work in small groups to complete tasks.
Reduce Stress - Our PE lessons are centered around fun and reducing stress. Exercise is a great outlet for stress and we aim to teach our students to enjoy physical activity and to use it as a way to reduce stress, anxiety and aggression.
Learn Respect - We aim to teach respect through our PE sessions, respect for our bodies and our physical and mental health, as well as respect for our classmates and team mates which can be reciprocated in other social and working environments.
Weekly Timetable