The Farm
We are a working farm, based on a 5 acre site. The farm is run by our school and alternative provision students. This includes caring for the animals, maintaining the site and growing produce in the allotment.
We have the following animals on site:
Guinea Pigs
Feral Cats
A Farm Dog

Animal welfare is a top priority for us and we teach our students to strive to continually improve it. Students not only feed, muck out and groom animals on a daily basis; they also learn about animal health, biosecurity and animal enrichment. We frequently have visiting experts, including vets, sheep shearers, farriers, chicken producers and equine dentists; students are able to take an active role during these animal welfare activities.

As a working farm we breed some of our animals and sell some produce.
Students are able to be involved in incubating eggs, helping during lambing, caring for baby calves and rounding up piglets. They can also take an active role in marketing and selling farm produce, including eggs, fruit and vegetables, livestock and meat.
We are open and honest about the farming process, but always address the issue with sensitivity. Being part of a working farm can be difficult for students and staff and discussions and decisions about animal welfare are made together as a community.